Unique Pistols: George Wilson’s Match .45 Auto

George Wilson Match .45 ACP

This is a George A. Wilson Match .45 ACP. It is one of three hand built by George Wilson, who was a designer for High Standard and a competitive bullseye pistol shooter. He designed this pistol for his own competition use in 1959, patenting the design in 1961.

Please see a full video takedown and review on ForgottonWeapons.com for a lot more detail on this pistol.


3 thoughts on “Unique Pistols: George Wilson’s Match .45 Auto

  1. Dan Love says:

    My research does not show the George A. Wilson that worked for High Standard to be the George A. Wilson that made the 3 target pistols. I own Wilson pistols 2 and 3, the matched set, though there are several important differences in the two. Also I have the wooden model of number one and the production drawings, also letters from Mr. Wilson to other people. Also have two articles about the pistols at the time and no mention at all of High Standard……….our Wilson worked in a different industry.

    • Mike Han says:

      Hi Dan,
      If you’re ever interested in moving on from our George Wilsons, I’d love to talk to you more about them. You can always PM me.

      Mike Han

    • Tom Mott says:

      Hello! My great grandfather is the George Wilson who worked for High Standard. I have been reading about these .45’s to try to figure out if they were once his. My great grandfather did have several patents while working at High Standard. In the years that these were made he was starting him own gun barrel manufacturing business in CT. The main thing that has not added up is the fact they list as manufactured in Pennsylvania… Up until that point I thought I had uncovered another part of our family history. Do you have any other info on the Wilson who you believe did make these?

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